Star Radio is an Internet Radio Station playing all the Latest Top 40 Hits from around the Planet.
You certainly know Usher, Beyonce, Kylie, U2, Green Day, Maroon 5, Moby and Keane, but do you also know
Katie Michaelson, Willy Denzey, Nadyia, Maria Arredondo, Stutter, Jennifer Daniels, Jessica Paige, Deeyah,
and so many others? Probably not!
Listen to Star Radio and get to know all of these great international artists.
Our broadcast is in CD Quality, available for all major media players and it's for FREE.
Enjoy the Music!
As Star Radio's broadcast is in CD Quality, you need a High-speed Internet Connection (Cable, ADSL...)
to be able to listen, otherwise you might experience some drop outs.
Please note that We DO NOT currently support broadcast for 28 or 56 k modems.
Listen Using Live365 Player, Real Player, WinAmp, Windows Media Player
To listen, you can select out of many Players options; by default, it is Windows Media Player.
(If you have a popup stopper, click on 'Ctrl' and at the same time on the link below)
Click Here to LISTEN FOR FREE using your preferred player
If you are a Preferred VIP Member, you will listen to our broadcast in excellent CD Quality (and without Ads!), otherwise you will listen in great FM Quality.
How to Select Your Preferred Player:
To change to Live365 Player, RealPlayer or MP3 Player – iTunes, MusicMatch, Winamp or similar,
just click here
and then select the option you want.
Listen in CD Quality and without Ads by becoming a Preferred VIP Member for just a few cents a day!
Click on the link below to do so:
If you are behind a FIREWALL, then you may find difficulties listening to us;
it depends on the restrictions set by your network administrator. Try to get identified through the firewall,
and then you may will be able to listen (if you get a debug error, close it and then try again).
If you encounter any problems to listen, please check our
Help page; if you don't find the answer to your problem, don't hesitate
to contact us.